About Mk-SEED

Milton Keynes Festival of Colour is aimed at bringing communities to come and work together on community development initiatives towards inclusiveness, diversity, and sustainability. We do this by adoption of Milton Keynes Sustainability Strategy and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal. The key benefits are to learn sources of savings on energy bills, low emission from transportation, principles of circular economy, design out waste, reuse of materials in construction, gender equality, women and girl’s empowerment, inclusiveness, and equitable quality education.

We are working closely with Milton Keynes Community Foundation and MK City Council to reach out to communities and engage with all stakeholders to organise and communicate our commitments. Towards this we have formed a charity – Milton Keynes Strategic Education for Economic Development (MKSEED)

On the 16 September 2023, we presented Keynote Speech, Panel Discussion on MK Sustainability Strategy and UN SDG’s, Arts and Cultural Display, Food and Drinks, Fashion Show, Awards and Recognitions. This vibrant and engaging event aims to bring together people from various ethnic backgrounds, local businesses, and community organizations in a celebration of inclusiveness, culture, and the rich tapestry of Milton Keynes. It is about creating awareness and actualising of MK Sustainability Strategy 2019 – 2050.

We will use the event of September 16; to kick-off and launch MK Community Festival of Colours. Through this event, we aim to foster, inform, educate communities, create understanding,
promote inclusivity, and diversity, strengthen community bonds.

Our SDG Focus

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